王 穎











 研究方向:(1)引力場光傳播與檢測、(2) 系外行星形成及演化、(3) 應用智能算法👳🏽‍♀️,采用光學探測系外行星和恒星光譜;



2017.06 畢業於南京大學天文學專業獲博士學位

2012.06 畢業於南昌大學天體物理專業獲碩士學位

2009.06 畢業於南昌大學應用物理專業獲學士學位


2018.03-至今EON体育4平台 講師、副教授


(1) Wei Sun Ying Wang, Fu-yao Liu and Xin Wu*.Applying explicit symplectic integrator to study chaos of charged particles around magnetized Kerr black hole. Eur. Phys. J. C (2021) 81:785.

(2)Xin Wu*,Ying Wang, Wei Sun and Fu-yao Liu. Construction of Explicit Symplectic Integrators in General Relativity. IV. Kerr Black Holes.The Astrophysical Journal.2021,914,63.

(3) Ying Wang, Wei Sun, Fu-yao Liu, and Xin Wu*. Construction of Explicit Symplectic Integrators in General Relativity. III. Reissner–Nordström-(anti)-de Sitter Black Holes.The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 2021, 254, 8.

(4)Ying Wang, Wei Sun, Fu-yao Liu, Xin Wu*. Construction of Explicit Symplectic Integrators in General Relativity. II. Reissner-Nordstrom black holes. The Astrophysical Journal., 2021, 909, 22.

(5)Ying Wang, Wei Sun, Fu-yao Liu, and Xin Wu*. Construction of Explicit Symplectic Integrators in General Relativity. I. Schwarzschild Black Holes. The Astrophysical Journal. 2021, 907,66.

(6)孫 浪,劉福窯*王穎🌳,孫威. 辛算法的分類與發展,天文學進展🛩,2021,39,2.

(7)李國慶, 孫威, 王穎, 劉福窯等. 基於索周法探尋太陽黑子的磁極性周期.地球物理學進展. 2020,35,6.

(8)Ying Wang, Ji-Lin Zhou, Fu-yao Liu* , Wei Sun, Hui-gen Liu and Ming Yang. The influence of inclinations on the dynamical stability of multi-planet systems. Monthly Notices of the royal astronomical society. 2019, 490,359-370.

(9)Ying Wang, Ji-Lin Zhou*. Forming different planetary architectures . I . Formation efficiency of hot Jupites from high-eccentricity mechanisms. The Astrophysical Journal. 2017, 848, 20.

(10)Hui-Gen Liu, Ying Wang, Hui Zhang., and Ji-Lin Zhou.Transits of planets with small intervals in circumbinary systems.  The Astrophysical Journal. 2014, 790, 141-150.

(11)Ying Wang, Xin Wu*. Dynamics of Charged Particles Around a Magnetized Black Hole with Pseudo—Newtonian Potential. Communications in Theoretical Physics. 2013, 60, 433-438.

(12)Ying Wang, Xin Wu*. Dynamics of particles around a pseudo-Newtonian Kerr black hole with halos. Chinese Physics B. 2012, 21, 050504.

(13)Ying Wang, Xin Wu*. Gravitational Waves from a Pseudo-Newtonian Kerr Field with Halos. Communications in Theoretical Physics. 2011, 56, 1045.


1. 國家青年基金《後牛頓項對熱木星形成的影響》,編號:11803020🏊🏼‍♂️💅🏿,主持人,26

2. 國家青年基金《行星系統運動對全球氣候變化的驅動分析研究》⛈,編號:41807437,第二參與人🍎,25

3. 國家青年基金《基於百年歷史觀測數據開展海衛一軌道改進和動態物理特性研究》🥶,編號:11803019,第三參與人🕚,24

4 國家天文聯合基金《後牛頓致密雙星系統動力學與保結構算法的改進及應用》,編號🤼:U2031145,第四參與人,43

5. 國家面上基金《致密天體軌道動力學與引力波》,編號:11173012🧑🏿♢,主要參與人↗️,78



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