第一作者 | 題目 | 作者 | 刊名 | 年 | 卷 |
趙壽為 | Switching control of closed quantum systems via the Lyapunov method | Zhao, SW | Automatica | 2012 | 21 |
吳建寶 | Two types of meta-crystals for IV group elements: Density functional theory calculations | Wu, JB | Physica B | 2012 | 56 |
季鑫 | Influence of sputtering times on the structural and optical properties of Al thin films for radiation-proof applications | Ji, X | Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials – Rapid Communications | 2012 | 6 |
張子厚 | Convexity and Proximinality in Banach Space | Zhang, ZH; | Journal of Function Spaces and Applications | 2012 | 2 |
陳余行 | Effect of O/N Substitutive Doping on the Band Structure and Transport Properties of the zigzag Boron Nitride Narrow-Nanoribbons | Cheng,YH | Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica | 2012 | 28 |
王國強 | A new full Nesterov-Todd step primal-dual path-following interior-point algorithm for symmetric optimization | Wang,GQ | Journal of Optimization Theory and Application | 2012 | 3 |
季鑫 | Annealing effect on mechanical properties of Ta‐Mo sputtered coatings | Ji, X | Surface Engineering | 2012 | 7 |
趙新新 | Geometric structures and nitrogen adsorption properties of BaO adlayer on Ru(0001) surface | Zhao, XX | ACTA PHYSICA SINICA | 2012 | 61 |
季鑫 | Influence of thickness on the structural, optical and electrical properties of CuInSe2 absorbing layer for photovoltaic applications | Ji, X | Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials-Rapid Communications | 2012 | 60 |
陳光龍 | Ar plasma waveguide produced by a low-intensity femtosecond laser | Cheng,GL | Optics Communications | 2012 | 285 |
朱鵬飛 | All-solid-state continuous-wave frequency doubling Nd:YAG/LBO laser with 8.2W output power at 660nm | Zhu, PF | Optics and Spectroscopy | 2012 | 5 |
朱鵬飛 | Dynamic Control of Q Factor in Photonic Crystal Microcavity Employing Kerr Effect | Zhu, PF | Optics Communication | 2012 | 285 |
王天波 | Exponential synchronization analysis and control for discrete-time uncertain delay complex networks with stochastic effects | Wang,TB | Mathematical problems in engineering | 2012 | 5 |
季鑫 | Synthesis and phase transformation of Al–Cu–Fe coatings by various processes | Ji, X | Surface Engineering | 2012 | 6 |
朱鵬飛 | All-solid-state continuous-wave 671nm red laser with 10.5W output power generated by frequency doubling of a diode-pumped Nd:YVO4 laser | Zhu, PF | Optical Engineering | 2012 | 51 |
季鑫 | Mechanical and corrosion properties of Ta–Mo coatings by heating processes | Ji, X | Surface Engineering | 2012 | 6 |
王國強 | A new polynomial interior-point algorithm for the monotone linear complementarity problem over symmetric cones with full NT-steps | Wang,GQ | Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research | 2012 | 3 |
趙壽為 | Geometric analysis of reachability and observability for impulsive systems on complex field | Zhao, SW | Journal of Applied Mathematics | 2012 | 3 |
季鑫 | Structural, optical and electrical properties of CuInSe2 solar cell films on Al Cu Poly-Si SFO and Steel substrates | Ji, X | Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials-Rapid Communications | 2012 | 6 |
第一 | 題目 | 作者 | 刊名 | 年 | 卷 |
張子厚 | Convexities and Existence of the Farthest Point | Zhang, ZH; Liu, CY | ABSTRACT AND APPLIED ANALYSIS | 2011 | |
張子厚 | Some generalizations of locally and weakly locally uniformly convex space | Zhang, ZH; Liu, CY | NONLINEAR ANALYSIS-THEORY METHODS & APPLICATIONS | 2011 | 74 |
趙壽為 | A Lie algebraic condition for exponential stability of discrete hybrid systems and application to hybrid synchronization | Zhao, SW | CHAOS | 2011 | 21 |
平雲霞 | Violations of Bell Inequality, Cauchy-Schwarz Inequality and Entanglement in a Two-Mode Three-Level Atomic System | Ping, YX; Liu, L; Zhang, CM; C | COMMUNICATIONS IN THEORETICAL PHYSICS | 2011 | 56 |
平雲霞 | Output nonlocality and nonclassicality in a two-mode entanglement laser | Ping, YX; Zhang, CM; Wu, JB | CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS | 2011 | 9 |
張朝民 | Enhancing the lateral photovoltaic effect by coating the absorbing film on metal-oxide-semiconductor structure | Zhang, CM; Zhu, PF; Wang, FX; | APPLIED OPTICS | 2011 | 50 |
季鑫 | Annealing processes in controlling the structures and properties of Solar Cell absorbed layer-CuInSe2 films | Ji, X; Mi, YM; Yan, Z; Zhang, | OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS-RAPID COMMUNICATIONS | 2011 | 5 |
趙新新 | Effects of Barium Atoms on Adsorption and Dissociation of Nitrogen Molecules on Ru(0001) Surface | Zhao, XX; Tao, XM; Mi, YM; Wu, | ACTA CHIMICA SINICA | 2011 | 69 |
林琦 | Effect of N-doping on band structure and transport property of zigzag graphene nanoribbons | Lin, Q; Chen, YH; Wu, JB; Kong | ACTA PHYSICA SINICA | 2011 | 60 |
陳光龍 | Manifestation of attosecond XUV fields temporal structures in attosecond streaking spectrogram | Chen, GL; Cao, YJ; Kim, DE | CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS | 2011 | 9 |