2015.12 畢業於復旦大學理論物理專業獲博士學位
2009.07 畢業於河南理工大學應用物理學專業獲學士學位
2016.01-2018.08 復旦大學🔊,博士後
1.Xinyi Hu, Dongfu Song, Huiping Wang,Yiwang Jia, Haiping Zou and Mingjuan Chen, Effect of Ultrasonic-Assisted Modification Treatment on the Microstructure and Properties of A356 Alloy, Materials 15, 3714 (2022).
2.Hui-Ping Wang, Li Re, Li-Guo Qin, and Yueyin Qiu, Edge states enhanced by long-range hopping: An analytical study*, Chinese Physics B 30, 107301 (2021).
3.Hui-Ping Wang, Li Re, Li-Guo Qin, and Yueyin Qiu, Rigorous Proof for Non-existence of Edge States in the Presence of Long-range hopping, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 89, 074705 (2020).
4.Dandan Zhang, Xiuli Zhang, Xingjia Li, Huiping Wang, Xiaodong Sang, Guodong Zhu, Yuhei Yeung, Enhanced piezoelectric performance of PVDF/BiCl3/ZnO nanofiber-based piezoelectric nanogenerator, European Polymer Journal 166, 110956 (2022).
5.Li-Guo Qin, Guo-Dong Yan, Jie-Hui Huang, Li-Li Wang, Hui-Ping Wang, Zhong-Yang Wang, and Shang-Qing Gong, Phase controllable four-wave mixing in the hybrid opto-electromechanical system, J. Appl. Phys. 130, 194401 (2021).
6. H. P. Wang, Wei Luo, and H. J. Xiang, Prediction of high-temperature quantum anomalous Hall effect in two-dimensional transition-metal oxides, Phys. Rev. B 95, 125430 (2017).
7.Huiping Wang, Tingting Gao, and Ruibao Tao, The study of surface states in a semi-infinite crystal, Sci. Rep. 5, 8679 (2015).
8.Wang Hui-Ping and Tao Rui-Bao, Surface states in crystals with low-index surfaces, Chinese Physics B, 24, 117301 (2015).
1. 國家自然科學基金理論物理專項👨🎤𓀌,No.11847061👨🏽🏫🤏🏽,超薄二維納米材料中磁性的理論研究,2019/01-2019/12👨🍳,5萬元,結題,主持。